Forum of Young People in Arbitration CAM / CANACO

The Arbitration Center of Mexico (CAM) and the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Mexico City Chamber of Commerce (CANACO) joined efforts to impel the “Forum of Young People in Arbitration CAM/CANACO” in order to increase their presence in the study and practice of arbitration in Mexico.
What is the forum about?
It is a network consisting of a group of young lawyers, arbitrators and students whose aim is to exchange opinions, experience and studies about topics related to national and international arbitration. It is a forum for interns in arbitration as well as for those who are not interns yet but want to get to know the subject.
Why participating in the forum?
Members of the forum have the opportunity to visit several dynamic sessions every two months and for free. Each session relies up on a principal orator either present or by videoconference; there are discussion rounds about specific topics; recent cases are discussed; abstracts and reviews of books on arbitration as well as thesis and case law are shared.
For receiving information about the sessions, please send the registry form to: y